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  • 1.  Trademarks used in Module 3 (CMC sections)

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 21-Nov-2023 09:04
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous


    I'm very interested to hear from experts about the following:

    My experience with a previous large company was that trademark symbols (TM and R) should not be included within Module 3 (and other CMC regulatory dossiers) but instead a list of names with trademarks was provided e.g. within the cover letter. I understood this was done to maximize re-use of CMC dossier content (for example trademarks might not be relevant to all regions) and that it was not a problem to omit trademark symbols from within the CMC dossier. For example, proprietary reagent names.

    What is current "good practice" - for example, Module 3/Module 2.3 for marketing applications used for the USA, EU etc. And is it acceptable to omit trademarks?

    Thanks very much, in advance, as I am very keen to understand more and I have yet to find anyone who can advise on this! 

  • 2.  RE: Trademarks used in Module 3 (CMC sections)

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 27-Nov-2023 09:10
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    This is a question for your legal!

  • 3.  RE: Trademarks used in Module 3 (CMC sections)

    Posted 04-Dec-2023 12:48

    Our policy has always been to use TM and not (R) as TM is more universally applicable, but we have never tried leaving it out completely. I generally have the opposite problem - people using it more than it needs to be.

    Agree with the other person that you should probably check with Legal.

    Rachel Thornton
    UCB, Inc.
    Smyrna GA
    United States