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Exhibit batches for products with multiple strengths

  • 1.  Exhibit batches for products with multiple strengths

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 02-Oct-2018 15:39
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hello All,

    How many submission batches would be needed for an ANDA submission for a product with multiple strength and flavors. For example: If a product has two strengths X and Y and 3 flavors A, B & C.

    Would it be required to make:

    1) 3 batches of strength X with flavor A
    2) 3 batches of strength Y with Flavor A
    3) 3 batches of strength X with flavor B
    4) 3 batches of strength Y with Flavor B
    5) 3 batches of strength X with flavor C
    6) 3 batches of strength Y with Flavor C

    Please note that both strengths X and Y are proportionally similar.

    Thank you.