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FDA Senior Career Civil Servants Pinkie Swear Too

  • 1.  FDA Senior Career Civil Servants Pinkie Swear Too

    Posted 15-Sep-2020 01:54
    Sigh. So of course there was no way I could give this one a pass.

    Here is a link to the original article, in case you haven't seen it:


    When senior FDA career civil servants start waxing lofty about the agency's history, its mission, principles, gold standards, and beacons, instead of program objectives and accomplishments, it's time to bar the doors and windows and hunker down.

    When they start describing themselves as civil servants and talking about their collective years of experience, their dedication, and how deeply they care…gulp.  It's time to put your seatback and tray in an upright position, fasten your seatbelt, and note the locations of the nearest emergency exits.

    When they feel compelled to repeat "career staff" four times…OMG, what does that mean?

    Full commentary attached.

    Julie Omohundro, ex-RAC (US, GS), still an MBA
    Principal Consultant
    Class Three, LLC
    Mebane, North Carolina, USA
    919-544-3366 (T)
    434-964-1614 (C)