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Mitchell Hamline School of Law

  • 1.  Mitchell Hamline School of Law

    Posted 19-Mar-2018 16:13
    Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, MN has two online certificate programs they would like RAPS members to be aware of. Their "Law and Leadership in Healthcare Administration" certificate program begins on April 4th, and the "Cybersecurity and Privacy Law" certificate begins on June 6th. Mitchell Hamline would like to extend a 20% scholarship in the form of a tuition discount to any RAPS member referred to us before the beginnings of our next two program starts. 

    Law and Leadership in Healthcare Administration Certificate is designed to educate & inspire the next generation of healthcare administrators and attorneys. When participants complete the program, they will be able to provide their organizations or clients with guidance on creating and implementing reimbursement, patient privacy, and fraud and abuse compliance programs that can reduce exposure to fines and penalties for noncompliance. Participants will also be able to apply course knowledge to assist their employers or clients in developing strategies and programs to maximize reimbursement legally and ethically for the healthcare services and products they provide. Finally, participants will become familiar with problem-solving strategies and develop leadership skills to effect organizational change. 

    The Cybersecurity program offers professionals the opportunity to study the complex legal, policy, and compliance challenges resulting from the rapid growth of cyberspace through a comprehensive, interactive portal with online discussions, hands-on exercises, and on-demand lectures. Participants will learn more than how to maintain a secure system. They will also learn how to effectively manage the risks, and how to quickly and decisively respond to threats from some of the nation's foremost cybersecurity experts.

    Mitchell Hamline's online learning management system is a flexible, interactive portal that offers online discussions, practical exercises, and collaborative activities that can be completed when they fit into participants' schedules. More information about course curriculum, faculty, and tuition can be found here:

    You can also contact TJ McCann directly:

    TJ McCann | Recruiter
    Professional Legal Education
    Office: 651.290.6317 | Fax: 651.290.6414  

    Lena Cordie
    Victoria MN
    United States