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Recruitment database/registry of healthy Volunteers

  • 1.  Recruitment database/registry of healthy Volunteers

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 29-Jun-2018 09:43
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous


    We are developing a "general" recruitment database/registry of healthy Volunteers that may be interested in participating in research conducted at our facility.  This database will include names, contact info, geographical location and demographics.

    We are not recruiting for a specific study, we are simply compiling a pool of volunteers that may be accessed as studies arise.

    My understanding is this database requires IRB approval of a recruitment registry protocol, and that the Volunteers need to provide written informed consent in order for us to house their information.

    Can someone confirm if my understanding is correct?

    On a relate note, do general, non-study specific recruitment advertisements/material require IRB approval? This would be something used for recruiting volunteers interested in participating in research but not for a specific study. F 

    Thank in advance for any guidance you may offer!