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  • 1.  ISO 13485 - Exclusion vs Non-applicability

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 23-Apr-2018 09:12
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I am interested in understanding how people view these two terms from ISO 13485 as they are not specifically defined in the standard.

    My thoughts are.....
    Regarding an exclusion, the expectation is that you would normally comply with a particular element of the standard but you have a strong regulatory justification for not complying. Non-applicability would be used when something does not relate to, or affect or pertain to your QMS or device (e.g. a process like sterilization when none of your devices are sold sterile or require sterilization prior to use).

    Am I understanding this correctly?

  • 2.  RE: ISO 13485 - Exclusion vs Non-applicability

    Posted 23-Apr-2018 09:17
    Exclusion are only possible if applicable regulatory requirements allow them (such as not applying design controls for some Class I devices in the US because FDA requirements allow this). 

    Non-applixability originally was related to specific requirements for certain types of devices (such as sterile). If your device was not sterile, you can deem the requirement NA. 

    As we increased the scope of the standard to other organizations besides the manufacturer, we needed to allow NAs for some clauses that the organization may not perform due to it's role in the med dev life cycle. 

    Marcelo Antunes
    Regulatory Strategy Consultant
    São Paulo

  • 3.  RE: ISO 13485 - Exclusion vs Non-applicability

    Posted 24-Apr-2018 07:18
    I generally agree here with Marcelo. 

    To be clearer, an exclusion is generally to compliance with a regulation that would normally apply, but because there is an exception (or allowance) in the regulation that describes the exclusion you don't need to apply the requirement.

    A non-application is where you are saying yourself, "that does not apply to me because..." The reasons can vary, but generally due to the role of your organization or characteristics of your product.

    Thanks Marcelo for the points. Hope all is well in Brasil.

    Anonymous, I hope this helps! Good luck!

    Mark Swanson, ASQ CBA, CMQ/OE, CQE ASQ, MBA
    Becker MN
    United States

  • 4.  RE: ISO 13485 - Exclusion vs Non-applicability

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 27-Apr-2018 09:00
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Thanks for your responses. They make perfect sense.