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  • 1.  Handling Complaints from Facebook, Social Media

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 18-Nov-2019 10:14
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Has anyone seen updated guidance from FDA on how to handle complaints obtained from its Facebook site and other social media? I believe the 'becomes aware' applies as well to FB, but after following its procedures for analyzing it like any other complaint of which it has been made aware, must a manufacturer respond to every post? Should a firm respond with a request to report the complaint through more formal channels, including their physician?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2.  RE: Handling Complaints from Facebook, Social Media

    Posted 19-Nov-2019 06:20
    You are correct the premise of "becomes aware" applies to any type of interaction with a customer or patient, i.e. if a Sales rep is in a hospital where someone tells them about a problem they are having with a device.  The Sales rep then becomes aware.  This would be the same for social media posts or information seen or reviewed by the company.  Of course this opens up a large can of worms related to social media and what would be considered feedback or a complaint.  Then is it an actual valid complaint or someone just venting on a public forum.  I have worked with a couple companies to address posting on social media, and you should establish and implement a procedure for handling this type of data source.

    Richard Vincins RAC
    Vice President Global Regulatory Affairs