Webcast: RAC (US) Exam Preparation Series (2016) – Biologics

When:  Aug 24, 2016 from 12:00 to 14:00 (ET)

Webcast Titles/Dates:

24 Aug: Biologics
12:00-2:00pm ET

Passing the RAC exam takes hard work and a lot of preparation. As part of a complete study plan for the RAC (US) exam, this popular webcast series can help, particularly with the exam’s analysis and application to the workplace components. This RAPS webcast series will provide applications and examples to help you expand your practical knowledge and put strong foundational knowledge to use. 

The live webcasts include interactive Q&A sessions with subject matter experts covering select topics. This also is a great opportunity to ask questions and clear up any areas of uncertainty you have about the exam.

Plus, you get free access to the recordings for an entire year, so you can revisit the information and make sure you get the most out of it—as many times as you need to.

Learning Levels: Basic, Intermediate


Who Should Attend?

  • Those who have registered or plan to register for the RAC (US) Exam
  • Regulatory professionals of all levels wishing to expand their knowledge