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  • 1.  Seeking Carreer Advice - Reentering the regulatory field

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 16-Mar-2018 09:08
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I am trying to re-enter the regulatory field after a break of nearly 8 years. My prior regulatory experience was a little over two years, focused on Medical Devices. During the break, I completed the RAPS certificate program for both Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals. It has been 4 years since then.


    I have been applying to entry level positions for both Regulatory affairs specialist, and Regulatory affairs coordinator for the past few months. Most have come back saying that they have had an overwhelming response and have chosen to go with other candidates. No interviews. The closest I came was a phone screen, where the recruiting specialist went over my qualifications. It was not an in-depth technical interview.


    My question is: What can I do differently? Is the big gap in my work history the biggest sticking point? If so, what is the best way to fix that?


    I would love to hear suggestions on how I can prepare myself for an entry level position. (I am located in Seattle.)

  • 2.  RE: Seeking Carreer Advice - Reentering the regulatory field

    Posted 19-Mar-2018 05:38
    Unfortunately companies are looking for experienced personnel these days with the continuing increase in regulatory demands.  it is challenging because while there is a need for individuals, you have to make yourself standout.  I would recommend networking, going to Convergence which is in Vancouver this year so close to you, and continue in perseverance in the job hunting.  Someone might give you a break.  Personally, the experience is nice, but having someone that works hard, is ethical, and wants to learn new things is just as important.  Just stay persistent because there is a need for regulatory professional that hopefully can get that chance, good luck !

    Richard Vincins RAC
    Vice President Regulatory Affairs

  • 3.  RE: Seeking Carreer Advice - Reentering the regulatory field

    Posted 23-Mar-2018 09:00


    Volunteering with RAPS maybe a good way to help you stand out. It helps to show your dedication to the profession and offers great learning opportunities. Becoming familiar with the key changes in RA since your break is very important. RAPS offer great webinars and updates to help get up to speed. Best of luck.

    Maria Connolly MPharm
    Regulatory Affairs Specialist
    Natus Ireland