RAPS Workshop: Global Expedited Pathways (US/Global) – Medical Devices

When:  Oct 21, 2024 from 08:30 to 12:30 (ET)

How can we expedite the approval of our product?” This is the question every regulatory professional asks themselves daily.

Regulations shift continuously as result of changes in national and international, political, economic, and healthcare environments. As regulators around the globe observe and learn from each other, their policies evolve as the government agencies try to balance risks and benefits of their decisions. Regulators do all of this while maintaining support of technology innovations, healthcare services for the population, and even national security interests.

This workshop brings together experts from many different locations to discuss regulations in the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea. During this workshop we will explore special programs, policies and practices that these countries and regions have installed to foster adaptation of new technologies, to address unmet clinical needs, and to respond to national health emergencies. The workshop will also feature corporate executives to discuss corporate strategies and market access, where regulatory is just a piece of a larger puzzle.

Registration Fees & Deadlines

Present until April 20, 2024: Early Bird $825 Member | $970 Nonmember

April 21, 2024 until May 20, 2024: Regular $970 Member | $1150 Nonmember

Learning Objectives