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RAPS European Advisory Committee (EAC)

Signup Deadline: 17-Aug-2017
Starts: 18-Aug-2017
Ends: 31-Aug-2017


The European Advisory Committee (EAC) is part of the RAPS structure of regional advisory groups, with focus on and presence in Europe. As part of the overall approach of advancing RAPS brand, the EAC will be involved in activities in the European region that are brand relevant and appropriate to the mission and resources of the organization.

The EAC is comprised of 10-12 RAPS members including two Co-chairs. Eligible candidates are experienced regulatory affairs professionals from industry, academia or regulatory authorities with relevant work experience in Europe and are members of RAPS. The composition of the EAC should be a balanced representation of the priority industry segments served by RAPS, i.e. pharmaceuticals, biotech/biologicals and medical devices.

Length of Service:
Members are appointed by the EAC Co-chairs and the RAPS EU Liaison and confirmed for a term of 3 years, which is renewable.

Work Approach:
On average, it is planned to have a minimum of four phone/video conferences and two face-to-face meeting per year. In addition, ad hoc meetings might be scheduled as needed.

Dedicated Staff Manager:
Vice President, Strategy and Market Development

Volunteers Needed:

11 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

13 to 20 Years Industry Experience

Volunteer Stars:



Wesley Carr