Regulatory Compliance Exam Question Writing

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Signup Deadline: 13-Apr-2023
Starts: 17-Apr-2023
Ends: 28-Apr-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


RAPS is seeking volunteers with Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostics regulatory compliance experience to help develop upcoming certification programs. The creation of the PRRC role was a catalyst for developing these new certifications. The PRRC role was mandated in Article 15 of the EU MDR and EU IVD regulations. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to help shape the future of the profession and gain valuable insight and networking opportunities with peers.

Volunteers will meet several times virtually to produce exam questions. If assignment is completed in full, volunteers will receive a voucher to test for free in a future window.

You must be logged in to apply to this volunteer opportunity. Once you log in or create an account, you should see an "Apply Today" button on this page. 

Volunteers Needed:

40 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:

At least 3 years of experience

Volunteer Stars:



Leeann Manlove