About Europage

We strongly believe that the Europage is a unique and useful tool for regulatory professionals, and we are encouraged to see that it is so well received by the wider RAPS community. For the benefit of those new to the Europage Community, we would like to take the opportunity to briefly summarize the idea behind the Europage and to describe how its content is different from other newsletters. In essence, it is an information bulletin for practical news that are of use in a regulatory professional's daily work – from regulatory professionals for regulatory professionals!

We would like to acknowledge the continuous and reliable contributions from our current Europage correspondents. For the past year, they have diligently reviews national regulatory agency websites and other sources to identify relevant Europage news items to share with their peers. Their contributions make the Europage idea possible, so a big thank you to these dedicated volunteers.

Europage currently covers news from 10 European countries (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Protugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UK) as well as some EU-wide news from Brussels and the EMA. We would like to cover the whole of Europe, so if you would like to contribute as a country correspondent, please get in touch.

Europage Provides:

  • News from official sources across Europe and Middle East
    • Official sources include governments, agencies, standards bodies, laboratories, announcements of conference/workshops/meetings
  • Presented as single sentence summary in English
    • Single sentence may be exceeded occasionally
    • In English means translating from original language
  • Includes links to the original source for more detailed study
  • Restricted to items a regulatory professional 'for use in their work today'
    • 'Work today' usually excludes: company financial and merger information; product-specific information, except if of particular significance (e.g. regulatory precedents, major scientific advances, etc); medical/scientific/technical papers; results of surveys
  • From regulatory professionals, for regulatory professionals
    • Europage is unsensational, but a vital tool for today's regulatory workplace

What We Want:

  • ​Regulatory news, primarily from national competent authorities
  • News about regulatory requirements or procedures (e.g. new legislations, new/revised guidelines, procedural guidance, etc)
  • Information about upcoming events hosted by regulatory agencies (e.g. workshops, stakeholder events, etc)
  • Product-specific information, only if of particular significance (e.g. regulatory precedents, major scientific advances, etc)
  • In summary, information for readers to use in their current work as regulatory professionals

What We Do Not Want:

  • Items already covered elsewhere, e.g. in RF Daily
  • General media coverage of healthcare products-related topics
  • Full-length articles on regulatory topics
  • Routine product-specific information (e.g. safety updates, life-cycle news etc)